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We have three rooms at exPSYted.


Sky room is the first room down the hallway from the kitchen (or the first room to your left when you enter from the waiting area).

It can comfortably sit up to 4 people. 

Sky has a single-seater and a 2-seater. Up to one additional seat from the waiting area can be moved there.

Sky also has a natural side table.


Aqua room is the second room down the hallway from the kitchen (or the room to the right when you go past the waiting area).

Aqua can comfortably accommodate up to 6 people and may be suitable for one-to-one, multiple persons, or a family.

It has a 3-seater and two single-seaters. An additional seat from the waiting area can be added. Aqua features a grand coffee table that lifts up to reveal additional storage. Clinicians may find whiteboard pens, books, sensory toys, etc for the client or their use.

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